Why am I writing this website? I was initially worried I had awesome Someone is wrong on the Internet energy. But I feel compelled to write and put correct information out there because these people are wrong in real life too. People are making decisions, having beliefs shaped and voting based on lies.
Trump is a Danger to our Freedom
When he’s speaking coherently, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that he will be a dictator if given a 2nd term. I’m sure I’m missing some:
- “I’ll only be a dictator for one day”
- Promising pardons for the thugs that attempted a coup on January 6th, 2021.
- Weaponizing the justice department to target his political opponents.
- Mass deportations of immigrants without due process.
- Placing limits on the right to protest.
- Attacking contraception and IVF – this is more Trump allies than Trump himself but repealing Roe vs. Wade wasn’t enough for them.
- Firing tens of thousands of public servants and replacing them with yes men.
Thanks to a nakedly partisan Supreme Court “official acts” have blanked immunity from prosecution so there would be minimal checks on previously illegal actions for a president.
To be clear I’m against MAGA Republicans. I don’t share the conservative views of traditional Republicans but I want to make it clear that it’s not the place of this website to critique their values if they’re committed to the constitution and the peaceful, democratic transfer of power.
White Evangelicals are Making Christianity Toxic to Many
The other motivation for writing this site is my Christian faith. I want to push back on the idea that one party has a monopoly on the Christian vote or that if you’re a true Christian you must vote Republican Polling shows that Christians vote all along the political spectrum but you wouldn’t know it from who is the loudest.
My concern is Evangelicals talking about politics and their faith as linked together. By doing this they are driving people who don’t share their politics away from Christianity. I am thankful that at least some Evangelicals are starting to realize the conflict of gospel values and MAGA values.
I want you to know that you the reader can be a committed Christian and not vote for MAGA Republicans.